The two cases of plane stress and plane strain will be discussed separately. 平面应力和平面应变这两种情况将分开讨论。
Elastoviscoplastic properties, especially viscous properties of water-saturated or air-dried sands, were investigated based on the results of a series of plane strain compression ( PSC) tests. 分析并研究饱和的、风干的砂土在平面应变压缩试验条件下的弹黏塑性特征,尤其是黏性特性。
The failure criterion in plane strain takes on the same value of reference to others plane strain problems. 所得平面应变破坏公式对其他的平面应变问题具有同样的参考价值。
A state-dependent sand model is implemented in a fully-coupling finite element program to investigate the strain localization problems in sand under drained plane strain condition. 在一组应力路径试验的基础上,利用砂土的状态相关本构模型,对不同应力路径下饱和砂土在三轴固结排水剪切过程中的变形特性进行模拟。
The rockfill materials of limestone and fine sandstone were tested by large scale plane strain apparatus in air dry and saturated state respectively. 应用大型平面应变仪,进行了灰岩及细砂岩两种堆石的风干料及饱和固结排水平面应变试验。
The strength of the soft rock increases under plane strain conditions, while the dilatancy decreases. 研究结果表明:平面应变状态下软岩的强度增加而剪涨量减少;
On the basis of two fundamental assumptions: the plane strain and the film internal force, this paper states at first the dams bag pulling force principle of different working circumstance. 从橡胶坝的薄膜内力和平面问题两个基本假设出发,阐明坝体在不同承载工况下的坝袋拉力理论。
In this paper, the stress variation law in the flash metal in wedge shaped groove and bridge-barn shaped groove at the plane strain state are analyzed respectively. 本文分析了平面应变时桥仓型毛边槽和楔型毛边槽毛边金属中应力的变化规律。
The plane strain theory for one-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystals in aperiodical plane 一维六方准晶非周期平面内的平面应变理论
Comparison on two kinds of radial multi-zone plane strain models 两种径向多圈层土体平面应变模型的对比
A kinematically admissible continuous velocity field to the plane strain extrusion is established in cartesian coordinates, and an upper-bound analytical solution is thus obtained in this paper. 本文采用直角坐标系建立了平面变形挤压问题的运动学许可连续速度场并获得了该问题的上解析限解。
The relation of?? to the average value of?? may be assumed to lie between the aforementioned relations for uniform plane stress and uniform plane strain. 而?潞往闷骄?值的关系式可以认为处于上述的均匀平面应力和均匀平面应变的两个关系式之间。
Design of New Type Orthogonal Milling Experiment based on Elastic-plastic Plane Strain Mechanics Principle 基于弹塑性平面应变力学原理的新型直角铣削实验设计
Study on theories of axial response of dynamically loaded single piles based on plane strain assumption 基于平面应变假定基桩振动理论适用性研究
A Generalized Upper Bound Method for Powder Metallurgical Material in Plastic Plane Strain 粉末冶金材料塑性平面应变广义上限法
Bifurcation analysis of kink bands of bi-slippage crystal metamorphic rock under plane strain 双滑移系单晶岩石平面应变扭折带分叉分析
The Upper Bound Elemental Technique in Plane Strain and Its Application for Sintered Materials 烧结材料平面变形上限元法及其应用
The development and reason of asymmetric flow pattern during plane strain compression was analyzed. 分析了平面应变压缩过程中金属的非对称流动方式的进展以及产生原因。
Plane strain fracture toughness ( KIc). The critical value of the stress intensity factor ( i.e., at which crack propagation occurs) for the condition of plane strain. 平面应变断裂韧性(KIc):平面应变条件下应力强度因子的临界值(即达到该值时裂纹发生扩展)。
Based on a series of plane strain cyclic tests on air-dried Toyoura sand, the viscous properties of sand under loading-unloading conditions are presented. 通过丰浦砂的平面应变循环加载试验,分析砂土在加–卸载条件下相应的黏性特征。
The general solution for plane strain problems in decagonal quasicrystals accounting for thermal effect is derived. 推导了当考虑热效应时十次对称二维准晶体平面应变问题的通解表示。
The relationship between principal stresses in the plane strain state is the stress-strain relationship of soil with a certain strain path. 平面应变条件下土体中主应力之间的关系,其实质是特定应变路径条件下土的应力–应变关系,为土的一个重要力学特性。
The Alteration of True Triaxial Apparatus and Research of Plane Strain of Loess 真三轴仪的平面应变改造及黄土平面应变实验研究
Combined with the boundary conditions, an exact solution was derived for plane strain Biot's consolidation of a finite soil layer with anisotropic permeability in the transform domain. 提出了一种有效的可供选择的分析方法,来研究渗透各向异性多孔弹性土层的平面应变固结问题。
The new result here explains the difference between the cases of plane strain and plane stress. 新的结果还解释了平面应力和平面应变问题的区别。